"The Spirit and the Bride say come ......." . Rev 22:17a
The Word-Bride ministry is a collection of Christians in various churches majorly in Nigeria, West Africa who came into relationship as a result of common faith, common aspiration for righteousness and the restoration of the church in the worship of God in the Spirit and in truth.
As said by the beloved Apostle that ‘our fellowship indeed is with the father and the son’, this remains the major basis of our relationship. The Word-Bride Ministry is a non-denominational body without any formal hierarchical settings apart from that of the local assemblies according to the scriptures. Churches and ministers relate with each other as found in the scriptures. The ministry is seen as the gift of God to edify the church (Eph 4:11-16) and as many as are called take it as a responsibility and opportunity to be in the workforce of the Lord not as a career but a sacrificial and exemplary living.
We believe in the fivefold ministry as the wardrobe attendants for the church, the church as a universal body but only separated by geographical factors. We believe that God has used and is using men in the restoration of the church back to the Apostolic Faith and standard, and in this generation sent Brother William Marion Branham as a Messenger to commence the last lap of the restoration process. We strongly believe that the Holy Spirit is still working on his Church as the process is still on. We do believe that God will use the fivefold (Apostles, Prophet, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers) for the perfection of the saints (Church) and not any superman or superior minister.
We see the unity of the bride brought about and sustained through the working of the Spirit of truth in every believer who summits to leadership as a result of spiritual revelation and not in political organizational campaigns or fraternity.
We hold the entire Bible as the word of God and hence the absolute resource and the Holy Spirit as the absolute interpreter of the same. We have respect for all that respect the word of God and summit to any Holy Spirit led Ministry one of which is the ministry of our Late Brother Raymond Jackson.
The ministers do have periodic meetings where we pray specially for the ministry, discuss scriptural issues, church welfare and plan for outreaches and conventions.